EP 117: The Rise of Masculinity

In this special episode of the Phoenix Rising Podcast, we’re diving into the topic of men and masculinity as I share parts of my past conversations with Jaguar Heart (ep: 61), Jakal Malik (ep: 77), and Mike Pantile (ep: 113). 

Core things that hold men back from stepping on the path of rising in their masculinity.

Breaking away from cultural programming and the feminist agenda. Working towards your purpose as a man.

The dark masculine and the primal aspect of the masculine.

Embodiment practices to use with the masculine.

Distortions that are keeping men weak and separate from themselves.

The training of the masculine and what’s been missing.

Balancing the masculine and feminine energy.

How women can support our men to rise in their masculinity and claim that kingdom.

The importance of mental health for men.

What happens when a man is not in his masculine energy.

The masculine revival movement and the spiritual nature of masculinity.

What the roots of manhood look like.

What red pill culture is and stands for.

Where men look for women that are integral and virtuous.

How women are the gatekeepers of sex.

What casual sex does to women’s self-esteem.

Filling the void with Christ.

The essence of a man is the duty to provide and protect.

The feminist narrative that is programmed in men.

The agenda of dismantling the family unit.

If you don't kneel at the altar of God, you kneel at the art altar of self, which leads to kneeling at the altar of absurdity.

What happens when a man submits to Christ.

The initiations that are missing for men on that path of submission.