I know you’ve been wondering, seeing other people doing it, questioning, being guided but not sure what by, butterflies in the stomach, almost pushing the button but something is holding you back?

What’s holding you back darling is your ego, it want’s you to stay in the same patterns, + cycles, what it knows.

Re-creating the past over + over again. Same scenario’s, different physical form.

We both know that you are holding onto stress, worry, tension, unnecessary suffering. All because of belief systems that you decided were true at a very young age. These belief systems are blocking you from the experiences + connections you desire. They weigh you down and hold you back.

Block you from the joy you truly desire.

We all create stories about ourselves + the way life works based on experiences we’ve had. Usually parts of the story are pretty negative.

At a young age I decided I couldn’t trust, I couldn’t be vulnerable. That I wasn’t worthy or accepted + that I needed to be rescued from the internal hell I was living in. I put up walls, masked things + created an identity that wasn’t authentic to the life I came here to live. I believed the story I created to be true for most of my life + something never felt right. Knots in my stomach, tension, disconnected, numbing.

Sound familiar?

What if I told you it could all change? That there is a different way?

As soon as I started working with a coach, I started healing the emotions around my belief systems. I started digging into the reality I was subconsciously creating. I forgave myself + others. I rewrote the story, the program, the patterns + now I live a life of connection, belonging, worthiness, purpose.

A life of serving + guiding others to do the same.

To create the life they came here to live.
Confidence + radiance coming from within.
Magnetizing + attracting what it is they do want.
Inner peace + owning their power.
A life of purpose + freedom.

It’s my clients reality + it’s all available to you.

What is the new story you want to tell? What would it feel like to live that story?

What would it feel like to leave the negative patterns, stress, worry, doubt in 2018 + move into 2019 with radiance, confidence, love? Knowing with certainty 2019 is going to be the best year yet?

Fully supported + moving forward with clarity.

Today, gift yourself the opportunity to drop the belief systems, the stress, the tension, the numbing. Gift yourself the opportunity to rise into the person you came here to be. The highest self that is always within.

Choose now.

You taking action now is the only thing that will make 2019 different.

The time is now. Say yes.

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