Patience. Trust. Surrender. Faith…..

Have never been words that have come easy to me.

My inner child wants to control, she wants certainty like no other and she wants to fast track to the end line where she thinks she will have the control & certainty she so desperately desires….

This pattern does not serve me.

It leaves me like a Formula 1 race car driver going mock 10 and crashing into a wall with a shattered heart at the end.

And the Universe has been pushing me like no other since the Solstice to break this pattern. To surrender… let go of control and to trust.

It’s been painful. Breaking patterns is painful. Our inner child will kick up a fuss, scream, cling, go into survival mode and hold on to dear life for what she knows and has always done….

And my greatest work these past few months has been….Can I sit in the discomfort. Can I sit in the unknown. Can I hold the certainty in myself {which is really the only certainty that we have on this Earth….that and the certainty in God} Can I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good. Can I allow the growth to come from sitting in the discomfort? From getting uncomfortable? Can I be with all of it? Can I choose love in my pain?

Can I trust & surrender & allow life to flow through me?
Can I dance with the divinity within?

Can you?