2017 is almost over. I turned 38 last week + that is always my anchor point for the end of the year + what a year it's been. With it being winter over here in the northern hemisphere it is such a beautiful time to go within, to reflect + recognize all that has happened over the past year. What's felt good + what hasn't, what lessons have been brought to the surface. What you've let go of. Where you've created space. 

2017 was a year 1, it sets the foundation for the next 9 year cycle + if 2017 is any indication {which it is} these next 9 years are going to be amazing. For me 2017 was a year of trusting + surrendering, going with the flow even though every single ounce of my ego was freaking out + telling me not to. I didn't listen, I followed the little nudges that didn't make sense + the joy + abundance I feel in my heart right now is all I need to know that it was all worth it, that it did all make sense. That trusting + surrendering over + over again is part of the path to the highest self, to the whispers of the soul.

It's where the magic happens. 

2016: The Caterpillar {purging}
2017: The Cocoon {restructuring}
2018: The Butterfly {actualization} <- that's you right there. 

Ready to make 2018 the year of your dreams?

Clear some space, celebrate what you created in 2017, acknowledge the highs + the lows.
Get still + meditate.
Tune into your heart centre + visualize yourself at the end of 2018. 

Who's with you?
Where are you?
What are you doing?
What do you do with your time?
What does it feel like in your body?
What does life feel like?

Meditate, ask yourself the questions + after you've sat in stillness journal any whispers, any nudges, what it is you saw as you visualized yourself at the end of 2018. Get clear on all the details, everything you saw + write it out as I am statements as if it's already happened. Write yourself a letter of what happens in 2018 + what the feeling tone is behind it. 

Affirm it. 

Write out one statement of what 2018 looks like, your greatest desire. Write it out as an I am statement + burn it. 

Release it + let it go out to the universe. 

Want to get clear on your dreams? Your intentions? Your hearts deepest desires? Apply to work with me.  

Lets come together + make 2018 the year your dreams come true.